Explainability has been widely stated as a cornerstone of the responsible and trustworthy use of machine learning models. With the ubiquitous use of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models expanding to risk-sensitive and safety-critical domains, many methods have been proposed to explain the decisions of these models. Recent years have also seen concerted efforts that have shown how such explanations can be distorted (attacked) by minor input perturbations. While there have been many surveys that review explainability methods themselves, there has been no effort hitherto to assimilate the different methods and metrics proposed to study the robustness of explanations of DNN models. In this work, we present a comprehensive survey of methods that study, understand, attack, and defend explanations of DNN models. We also present a detailed review of different metrics used to evaluate explanation methods, as well as describe attributional attack and defense methods. We conclude with lessons and take-aways for the community towards ensuring robust explanations of DNN model predictions.
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Estimating treatment effects from observational data is a central problem in causal inference. Methods to solve this problem exploit inductive biases and heuristics from causal inference to design multi-head neural network architectures and regularizers. In this work, we propose to use neurosymbolic program synthesis, a data-efficient, and interpretable technique, to solve the treatment effect estimation problem. We theoretically show that neurosymbolic programming can solve the treatment effect estimation problem. By designing a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for treatment effect estimation problem based on the inductive biases used in literature, we argue that neurosymbolic programming is a better alternative to treatment effect estimation than traditional methods. Our empirical study reveals that our method, which implicitly encodes inductive biases in a DSL, achieves better performance on benchmark datasets than the state-of-the-art methods.
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A machine learning model, under the influence of observed or unobserved confounders in the training data, can learn spurious correlations and fail to generalize when deployed. For image classifiers, augmenting a training dataset using counterfactual examples has been empirically shown to break spurious correlations. However, the counterfactual generation task itself becomes more difficult as the level of confounding increases. Existing methods for counterfactual generation under confounding consider a fixed set of interventions (e.g., texture, rotation) and are not flexible enough to capture diverse data-generating processes. Given a causal generative process, we formally characterize the adverse effects of confounding on any downstream tasks and show that the correlation between generative factors (attributes) can be used to quantitatively measure confounding between generative factors. To minimize such correlation, we propose a counterfactual generation method that learns to modify the value of any attribute in an image and generate new images given a set of observed attributes, even when the dataset is highly confounded. These counterfactual images are then used to regularize the downstream classifier such that the learned representations are the same across various generative factors conditioned on the class label. Our method is computationally efficient, simple to implement, and works well for any number of generative factors and confounding variables. Our experimental results on both synthetic (MNIST variants) and real-world (CelebA) datasets show the usefulness of our approach.
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在课堂学习学习中,预计该模型将在保持以前课程的知识的同时,不断地学习新课程。这里的挑战在于保留该模型在功能空间中有效代表先前类的能力,同时调整其代表传入的新类。我们提出了两个基于蒸馏的目标,用于类增量学习,以利用特征空间的结构来维持以前的课程的准确性,并使学习新课程。在我们的第一个目标(称为跨空间聚类(CSC))中,我们建议使用先前模型的特征空间结构来表征优化的方向,这些方向可以最大程度地保留类 - 特定类的所有实例应集体优化,对,以及他们应该集体优化的人。除了最大程度地减少忘记之外,这种间接的鼓励模型将所有类的实例聚集在当前功能空间中,并引起牛群免疫的感觉,从而使班级的所有样本都可以将模型共同与遗忘班级共同打击模型。我们的第二个目标被称为受控转移(CT)从研究班间转移的研究的逐步学习。 CT明确近似于和条件,当前模型在逐步到达类和先验类之间的语义相似性上。这使模型可以学习类,以使其从相似的先前类中最大化正向转移,从而提高可塑性,并最大程度地减少不同先验类别的负向后转移,从而增强稳定性。我们在两个基准数据集上执行了广泛的实验,并在三种突出的课堂学习方法的顶部添加了我们的方法(CSCCT)。我们观察到各种实验环境的性能一致。
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通过利用和适应到目前为止获得的知识,人类具有识别和区分他们不熟悉的实例的天生能力。重要的是,他们实现了这一目标,而不会在早期学习中恶化表现。受此启发,我们识别并制定了NCDWF的新的,务实的问题设置:新颖的类发现而无需忘记,哪个任务是机器学习模型从未标记的数据中逐步发现实例的新颖类别,同时在先前看到的类别上保持其性能。我们提出1)一种生成伪内表示的方法,该表示的代理(不再可用)标记的数据,从而减轻遗忘的遗忘,2)基于相互信息的正常化程序,可以增强对新型类别的无聊发现,而3)a 3)当测试数据包含所见类别和看不见的类别的实例时,简单的已知类标识符可以有助于广义推断。我们介绍了基于CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和IMAGENET-1000的实验协议,以衡量知识保留和新型类发现之间的权衡。我们广泛的评估表明,现有的模型在确定新类别的同时灾难性地忘记了先前看到的类别,而我们的方法能够有效地在竞争目标之间平衡。我们希望我们的工作能够吸引对这个新确定的实用问题设定的进一步研究。
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为了使模型在看不见的域(又称域的概括)下进行概括,学习是域 - 不可思议的特征表示并捕获构成对象类别的基础语义。朝着弱监督的视力语言模型的最新进展,从廉价监督的嘈杂文本注释中学习整体表示,通过捕获在不同域下概括的对象特征,表明了他们在语义理解上的能力。但是,当涉及多个源域时,数据集中每个图像的策划文本注释的成本可能会爆炸多次,具体取决于其数字。这使得该过程乏味和不可行,阻碍了我们直接使用这些监督视觉语言方法来实现对看不见的领域的最佳概括。从此激励的是,我们研究了如何以“内在”的方式利用现有预训练的多模式网络的多模式信息,以使系统在看不见的域下概括。为此,我们提出了用于域概括(Indigo)的固有多模式,这是一种简单而优雅的方式,用于利用这些预训练的多模式网络中存在的固有模态以及视觉模态以增强概括性在测试时间内看不见域。我们在几个领域的概括设置(封闭状态,OPENDG和有限的来源)上进行了实验,并在看不见的域上显示了最新的概括性能。此外,我们提供了彻底的分析,以发展对靛蓝的整体理解。
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视觉世界自然地在目标或场景实例的数量中表现出不平衡,导致\ EMPH {长​​尾分布}。这种不平衡对基于深度学习的分类模式构成了重大挑战。尾课的过采样实例试图解决这种不平衡。然而,有限的视觉多样性导致具有差的呈现能力差的网络。一个简单的计数器到此是解耦表示和分类器网络,并使用过采样仅用于培训分类器。在本文中,而不是反复重新采样相同的图像(以及由此特征),我们探索通过估计尾类分布来生成有意义特征的方向。灵感来自于近期工作的思想,我们创建校准的分布,以对随后用于训练分类器的其他功能。通过在CiFar-100-LT(长尾)数据集上的几个实验,具有不同的不平衡因子和迷你想象 - LT(长尾),我们展示了我们的方法的功效并建立了新的状态 - 艺术。我们还使用T-SNE可视化对生成功能进行了定性分析,并分析了用于校准尾级分布的最近邻居。我们的代码可在https://github.com/rahulvigneswaran/tailcalibx获得。
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